You may make a suggestion or lodge a complaint about any academic, administrative or support services of the University, through the Student Complaints Policy. Yes, it is also called “Confederation Helvetica”, therefore the abbreviation “CH”. Popular sports include football (also known as soccer), handball, biking, hiking, tennis, swimming, orienteering, street hockey, ice hockey, skiing, snow board riding and many more. German, French, Italian and Romantsch. However, official documents and declarations on goods have to be provided in German, French and Italian only. Both have a religious background. The white cross is a symbol for the cross Jesus was put on. The red color is a symbol for his blood. “Trittst im Morgenrot daher” They wear the same clothing like most people in the western countries do. It mainly depends on the job and on the occasion: Business men usually wear dark suits and ties, other workers wear jeans (same brands as in the USA) and t-shirts or sweat shirts. It is derived from the name of one of the founding cantons, Schwyz.